Monday, April 25, 2011

My Blog

Realization:In my attempts to try and get my book published I’ve found that I don’t really believe I will get published by a publishing house. Realizing that I felt this way I needed to figure out how I felt about my future as a writer. I realized that a writer is a writer, I can’t change it, so what am I going to do if I feel so put out and negative about the publishing world?

Decision:I decided that I would try to get an agent for a little while longer but if I can’t get an agent for any of my books, I’m going to try out self-publishing (if you want something done right, do it yourself.) Besides I’ve read that a lot of publishing houses won’t do any promotion for a lot of book. This being the case, even if I got published without an agent, then I would have to do all of the promotion myself anyways. So, why get a publishing house to publish a book at all if they don’t do their jobs most of the time?

Plan:As soon as I’m done with sending agents for all of my books, (and I’ll let my patience decide how long to keep that up.) If I get an agent, I’ll cut the deal and let them do their job. If all of my books are rejected by all of the agents I can find then I’ll save money to publish my books myself.

In the meantime:While I’m sending out queries to agents, I’ll try to build a fan base on-line, that way when I do publish my books someone out there will want to buy (and possibly read) my book.

Please follow my blog and friend me on facebook where I keep an update on all of my progress with my books and my blog. Thanks for your support.

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